Dance of the Dream Man


Dance of the Dream Man: A Twin Peaks Story

April 2016

“Diane: I’ve just awoken from a dream as dark and wondrous as the cup of delicious black coffee on the counter in front of me. We were in Portland, Oregon, Diane, and when I say we I mean all of us. Laura Palmer was there. My sweet Annie. Sheriff Truman. The Man From Another Place. Bob was there, Diane. Bob! It was as if I was in an audience watching myself upon a stage, sparsely lit, dancing, singing. Such beautiful dancing, Diane.

“There was coffee there for the audience to enjoy. Delicious, hot, black coffee. A damn fine cup of joe. We in the audience watched us on the stage perform in pantomime the events of these last several months and I awoke with such clarity, such awe at the complexities of this case that I feel I finally know what I must do.

“Diane, I would very much like to make love to a beautiful woman who I have genuine affection for. And, of course, it goes without saying that I would like to visit Tibet. I wish they could get their country back and the Dalai Lama could return. Oh, I would like that very much. All in all, a very interesting experience.”

TriptheDark has gone from fairy tales (The Wolf Child’s Mother, Just Right) to popular 80s films (I Carried A Watermelon) to the dark comedy of Twin Peaks. With the revival of this TV series on the horizon, we explored partial story lines from the original series, jumped into the mystery of Laura Palmer’s death, and courageously entered the Black Lodge with love in our hearts. This tribute to Twin Peaks was told through contemporary dance with some splattering of tap and modern movement. Our carefully chosen characters lead you through the story with a script written by local playwright, Ellen Margolis.

We were pleased to welcome back most of our company members (Stephanie Seaman, Corinn deWaard, Erin Shannon, Ashley Long, Kaician Kitko, and Diana Schultz), Illya Torres-Garner (Johnny from I Carried a Watermelon), and introduce two new dancers to this show: Serra Shelton and Taylor McDougall. Friday night shows included guest appearances by Black Lodge Burlesque.